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Poetul zilei
Vintilă Russu-Şirianu
(1897 - 1973)

5 Poezii

Poezia de azi

de Virgil Gheorghiu
imi pare-atit de rau cind trenurile trec
Lucioase si naluce pe-nserate,
Cind undeva cu mintea le petrec,

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A cursed luck..

Vezi toate poeziile din albumul Hard life
A raining day, a foreign land
I decide to take a chance
To burn the past and make more sense
To find myself before life ends.

A young heart and open mind
Full of love, ready to fly
Sail to west and hopes to find
A better place, an open sky.

I left my home and said goodbye
To all I loved, to my own life,
For a dream or for a lie?!
I took the risk to find that light.

Many days and many nights
Far away and far from lights
I started to fight with my own dream
Against the world that lives in sin.

I found a different side of me
My dream became reality
I didn't know how should I be
A lonely man across the sea.

Every step we take in life
Good or bad, we smile, we cry,
Dreams are changing every night
Days have always the same sky.

Sometimes dust it tastes so sweet
In a coffee that is weak
It is hot when you taste first
But the rest is a bad curse..

The sun was hiding in the clouds
I was starting to have doubts
About my destiny, my love, my life
My eyes and hands I had them tied.

My soul inside is screaming
I can't let it out
My heart, my mind is bleeding
Thunders are too loud..

My world was falling all in hell
My heart was still under a spell
My angel left me on my own
I'm all alone and far from home.

I can't take back some broken dreams
I have to raise and wash my sins,
I can't return as a wounded man
I have to sleep and dream again.

I learned from rivers to move on
The wind told me to be strong
To be like trees out in the storm
To find myself and to reborn.

After rain, sun shines again
All bad things will have an end,
Just be yourself and stop to pretend
God is our truly friend.

Tomorrow I might live or die
But I will know how it is to try
To look for better things in life
To win and lose in the same time.

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