| Poetul zilei |
| Poezia de azi | Publicul teatrului national de Ion Luca Caragiale Oamenii cari, in vremea noastra, se destineaza producerii artistice sau literare au pe de o parte un mare avantaj: au, ce e drept, dinaintea lor o mina aproape neatinsa - o societate si o istorie nationala, care pana acuma n-au fost zugravite decat foarte superficial; au insa, in schimb, si o foarte mare greutate: se gasesc in fata unui public asa de amestecat, asa de lipsit de unitatea de cultura, de traditie si de conceptie, incat ii e aproape imposibil sa-i afle acestui public o coarda comuna, sa stie cu ce si cum l-ar putea interesa deodata, macar in mare parte, daca nu pe tot acest public, care n-are deocamdata alta unitate decat doar numele de public romanesc.
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After Death
Vezi toate poeziile din albumul Linu
Deep inside the ground lay two bodys together ,
Deep inside , covered in dust, bones smile and love each other.
Down there floating in shadow, the flame is still untouched ,
As she holds him so close , he loves her still so much !
Days would past and snow would melt, as the rain hit the ground,
Such a huge love not to disturbe, and never to be found .
A blood red colour on his top , so she remembers life ,
Her tiny bottle of parfume , the sweet smell of his wife
He gentle holds her face, 'cause she's not something he would share
She softly touch his shoulder, for him she'll be for ever there .
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