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Poetul zilei
Vintilă Russu-Şirianu
(1897 - 1973)

5 Poezii

Poezia de azi

de Virgil Gheorghiu
imi pare-atit de rau cind trenurile trec
Lucioase si naluce pe-nserate,
Cind undeva cu mintea le petrec,

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Cautare avansata

Bloody Rose Demon

Vezi toate poeziile din albumul Linu
In your own Kingdom , deep inside your head ,
There is a curse , the biggest love you ever had !
Crawling under your skin like snakes on the ground .
You would give up on every thing just to see her around .
Slap the floor or brake some fucking bottles of Gin
Your Angel girl is the perfect definition of sin !!!
You're a demon An addicted demon in pain !
She's a angel Dancing rude inside your dirty brain !
She's steping on your pride with no trail of regret
You just close your eyes as you're pushed deeper in shit !!
Stare in her emptyness , scream like it's your last second of life !!
Shake her fake world , tell her how much you hate all her lies !!!
Get back your daily insane grin on your face !!!
Push her to back up , she was never able to win this race !!!
She will shake in your hands , always been afraid of those !!
She will remember your name Demon of the bloody rose !!!

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