Poetul zilei
Vasile Cîrlova
(1809 - 1831)

8 Poezii

Poezia de azi

Haosul insusi
de Elena Stefoi
Trece latul prin ultimul anotimp.
Aceasta fiara a vorbit, ucide-o sau zboara mai iute.
Haosul insusi imi cauta bratele.

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Please come back

Vezi toate poeziile din albumul tu si lumea ta
U look at me..like I m just a doll
U talk to me..like Ur talking to a wall
Please come back..I miss the way u were
But now there is nothing about u that I m sure..

U call me..U think it s enough
Baby I don t want..just a hug
I need u all in front of me
To make me forget this misery

Refren: Why love hurts ? Why love dies ?
When we stop looking in our eyes..
Why this pain ? How to explain ?
When u think I m the only one to blaim

Let s go away..let s just forget
this is just too more..then I can take
I don t need u to hear..I want u to listen
Changing our lives is ur decision

Refren: Why love hurts ? Why love dies ?
When we stop looking in our eyes..
Why this pain ? How to explain ?
When u think I m the only one to blaim

Just look at me..what do u see ?(low)
Just listen me..what do u hear ?(med)
Just touch me..what do u feel ? (high)
Ur the only one who can make this hart heal !(scream)

Refren: Why love hurts ? Why love dies ?
When we stop looking in our eyes..
Why this pain ? How to explain ?
When u think I m the only one to blaim

Don t know where u at..please come back !

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